Your money earns more

Forwarded 2.75% interest p.a.* on Broker balances of up to €500,000 in PRIME+ and €50,000 € in FREE.

Investing involves risks.

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Current interest rates for Broker cash balances

Variable interest rates
on broker cash balances

FREE Broker

PRIME+ Broker

PRIME Broker

Scalable account
(interest forwarded from partner banks and money market funds)

2.75%* p.a.
on up to €50,000

2.75%* p.a.
on up to €500,000


Baader Bank account
(interest by Baader Bank AG)


1.60%1 p.a.
on up to €100,000


How does Scalable distribute cash balances?

We want to pass on attractive interest rates and thus provide a competitive offer. To this end, we distribute the cash balances among trustee banks and qualified money market funds. We take into account our strict selection criteria, the available capacities and conditions on the money market and the trading activity of our clients. This may mean that cash balances are only held at a trustee banks and/or only at a qualified money market fund. All clients with a Scalable account can see how the cash balance is allocated via the account statement and at any time in their client area in the app or on the web.

Please note our risk information on the safekeeping of cash balances.

Why is the forwarded interest variable?

Cash balances are held at trustee banks and money market funds without a fixed term and with variable interest rates. The respective interest rate is based on the conditions on the money and/or capital market and the ECB's interest rate for deposits. The trustee banks may raise or lower their interest rates at any time. The interest rate of the qualified money market funds, also known as the yield, can be viewed on a daily basis at the respective fund provider. You can find all links and the documents of the trustee banks and qualified money market funds here:

Please note our risk information on the safekeeping of cash balances.

Are my assets safe? What happens in case of insolvency of Scalable Capital or the partner banks?

Cash balances

We distribute the cash balances among trustee banks and qualified money market funds. We take into account our strict selection criteria, the available capacities and conditions on the money market and the trading activity of our clients. This may mean that cash balances are only held at a trustee banks and/or only at a qualified money market fund.

The statutory deposit guarantee of the partner banks is €100,000 per client. For money market funds European investor protection rules (UCITS) apply regardless of the amount. Please note our risk information on the safekeeping of cash balances.

The current trustee banks and qualified money market funds as well as related documents can be found here:


In case of insolvency of Scalable Capital, you are entitled to the return of your securities. These are not part of the bankruptcy estate and are protected to an unlimited extent.

Overview over interest products

Money market, bonds, ETFs, and more – explore opportunities to make more of your money.

Interest forwarded
from partner banks and money market funds

Secure current interest rates for 3 years

Basket of corporate and government bonds with fixed terms

Money market ETFs
Benefit from current interest rates

Sit back and automatically profit from interest

Interest rate

2.75% p.a. (variable)*

Up to 3.4% p.a

Up to 3.77% p.a. (euro) or 5.19% (dollar)1

Up to 2.918% p.a. (€STR, status: February 2025)

Target return 2.9 % p.a.2

Selection of securities








3 years

Depending on the product (2-5 years)




On cash on your broker account

Tradable in all Scalable Broker price plans

In Scalable Wealth

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Investing involves risks.

1 Note currency risk. Learn more.

2 The target return depends on market developments and is shown before costs. It was calculated on the basis of the portfolio components’ return as of 10 February 2025. The ETF costs (0.13% p.a.) and wealth management/trading fees (0.75% p.a.) will have a yield-reducing effect. Expected returns are forecasted and do not represent a reliable indicator of future performance.

Frequently asked questions

What are the conditions for cash on the broker account?

We will forward 2.75% p.a.* variable interest on uninvested cash of up to €50,000 in the FREE Broker and €500,000 in the PRIME+ Broker to clients with a Scalable Capital custody account. Cash balances are safeguarded in accounts with partner banks and in money market funds. Initially, these are Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, DWS and BlackRock. Deposits are protected up to €100,000 per customer per bank under the statutory deposit protection scheme. For money market funds European investor protection rules (UCITS) apply regardless of the amount.

Interest is calculated on a daily basis and forwarded to your clearing account quarterly.

What is a money market fund?

For your broker account, we work with partner banks as well as qualifying money market funds. These are closely regulated funds that have to meet the following requirements:

  • Adhere to European investor protection rules (UCITS), regardless of the amount you invest.
  • Their primary aim is to keep the value of the fund stable.
  • They invest exclusively in high-quality short-term instruments (e.g., treasury bills, commercial papers, or certificates of deposit) with an average maturity of 60 days.
  • Provide liquidity through same-day or next-day settlement.

Like all securities, money market funds are segregated assets and therefore would not be part of the insolvency assets of Scalable Capital or the fund issuer.

Please be aware of the risks of money market funds.

Is there a specified holding period for the cash balance?

There is no minimum holding period. Interest will be calculated daily and forwarded to you quarterly.

Where is my cash held and how is it protected?

Cash balances are safeguarded in accounts with partner banks and in money market funds. Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, DWS and BlackRock are included from the start. Deposits are protected up to €100,000 per customer per bank under the statutory deposit protection scheme. For money market funds European investor protection rules (UCITS) apply regardless of the amount.

Do I have to pay tax on interest?

Like dividends or profits from the sales of securities, interest payments are considered investment income and are subject to a final withholding tax. This is paid automatically. The respective taxes are withheld by Scalable Capital and forwarded to the tax office, taking into account exemption orders and loss pots, if applicable.

This only applies to persons who are liable to pay tax in Germany. Persons who are liable to pay tax outside Germany are obliged to determine and pay the applicable taxes themselves. Please note that Scalable Capital does not provide tax advice in this regard. If you have any questions regarding your individual tax situation, please contact your tax advisor or your tax office.

The amount of capital gains tax/solidarity surcharge paid on your behalf can be found in your personal client area. To do so, please log into your personal client area on our website, open the menu item "Profile" and click on "Taxes".

When will I receive the interest?

Interests will be calculated to the day and is forwarded to you quarterly. After the end of a calendar quarter, we will forward the interest to your broker account. For the first quarter of a year, this will happen in April, for the second quarter in July, etc.

How safe are my money and my investments? What happens in case of insolvency of Scalable Capital or the partner banks?

Cash balances are safeguarded in accounts with partner banks and in money market funds. Deposits are protected up to €100,000 per customer per bank under the statutory deposit protection scheme. For money market funds European investor protection rules (UCITS) apply regardless of the amount.

In the event of insolvency of Scalable Capital, you have a claim to surrender your securities. These do not fall into the insolvency estate and are therefore also protected.